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European Investment Bank - The ACP Internship Programme

Posted on: November 14, 2017


The European Investment Bank (EIB) is happy to announce the launch of its new African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Internship Programme for young professionals.

The objective of this programme is to give talented young individuals from ACP countries on-the-job experience and training in an international development environment, to improve their skills and support the development of human capital, as an engine for economic growth, through a wide exposure to the EIB’s various business activities. The programme is aiming at hosting a total of up to 24 interns between 2018 and 2020. In 2018, we aim to offer a total of 8 positions, with the intake in September 2018.

The programme will also give the EIB an opportunity to benefit from the knowledge, talent and multicultural diversity that these young people can bring to the institution.

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Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM