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Support to CARICOM National Standards Bureaus to Implement the Technical Barriers to Trade Provisions of the EPA – Phase II


The CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ);

The network of the 15 National Standards Bureaus (NSBs) of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM);

INDOCAL – Instituto Dominicano para Calidad (the national Bureau of Standards of the Dominican Republic).



The project aims to generate beneficial integration of the economies of the CARICOM Member States into the regional and the global economy by following the guidelines of the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) provision of the EU - CARIFORUM EPA.

Two-fold purposes: Efficiently and effectively apply EPA and WTO TBT principles, guidelines and recommendations to ensure compliance with international standards and in the application of quality infrastructure measures; and to strengthen regional integration in CARICOM countries by the harmonisation of practices and improved compliance in the application of related Technical Barriers to Trade regulations, and share these good practices with ARSO and PIFS.

Three-fold Project outputs:

  • the companion Workbook of theoretical and application exercises;
  • the CROSQ Regional Good Regulatory Practice (GRP) Guide;
  • the National Code of Practice (COP).

Intervention areas:

  • Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) regulations,
  • Quality Infrastructure measures,
  • EPA implementation,
  • WTO TBT.



Purpose 1:          Efficiently and effectively apply EPA and WTO TBT principles, guidelines and recommendations to ensure compliance with international standards and in the application of quality infrastructure measures.

  • The development of the companion Workbook of theoretical and application exercises to accompany the CROSQ Regional Good Regulatory Practice (GRP) Guide, the National Code of Practice (COP) for use in the 15 Member States of CARICOM to be shared with ARSO and PIFS are ready in publishable quality;
  • The CROSQ Regional Good Regulatory Practice (GRP) Guide, the National Code of Practice (COP and the companion Workbook are reviewed by the WTO experts and subsequently validated by the 15 NSB CEOs and CROSQ Secretariat.

Purpose 2:          Strengthen regional integration in CARICOM countries by the harmonisation of practices and improved compliance in the application of related Technical Barriers to Trade regulations, and share these good practices with ARSO and PIFS.

  • Editing, layout and production of the CROSQ Regional GRP Guide and National COP document and companion Workbook in e-copy PDF downloadable format and a limited number of hard copies;
  • The CROSQ Regional GRP Guide and National COP and the companion Workbook are disseminated amongst the African Organization for Standardization (ARSO) and the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS).
Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM