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Support for Guyana to Promote the Development of its Services Sector


  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • Service providers.;
  • Bank of Guyana;
  • Bureau of Statistics;
  • Business Communities



The objective of the project is supporting Guyana to reap the economic and trade benefits of developing its services sector

Two-fold purposes: The development of a National Strategy to promote the development of the services sector and guide the trade in services policy agenda; and to capacitate the Bureau of Statistics and the Bank of Guyana to regularly compile and update the trade in services statistics.

Five-fold Project outputs:

  • A situational analysis of the current state of the services sector undertaken;
  • Key services sub-sectors with strong potential for growth, investment and job creation identified as priority areas for focus;
  • A medium-term strategy to guide the development of the services sector (2020-2030) is developed and submitted to the appropriate authorities for approval and subsequent implementation;
  • Technical skills and capabilities of the Bureau of Statistics and the Bank of Guyana to compile, analyse and report trade in services statistics strengthened; and
  • Reporting of macroeconomic statistics updated to highlight the contribution of trade in services towards economic development in Guyana.

Intervention areas:

  • WTO commitments;
  • Services sector;
  • Trade statistics;
  • Data Management;
  • Capacity building;
  • Investment.



Purpose 1: The development of a National Strategy to promote the development of the services sector and guide the trade in services policy agenda.

  • A situational analysis of the current state of the services sector undertaken;
  • Key services sub-sectors with strong potential for growth, investment and job      creation identified as priority areas for focus;
  • A medium-term strategy to guide the development of the services sector (2020- 2030) is developed 

Purpose 2: To capacitate the Bureau of Statistics and the Bank of Guyana to regularly compile and update the trade in services statistics.

  • Technical skills and capabilities of the Bureau of Statistics and the Bank of Guyana to compile, analyse and report trade in services statistics strengthened;
  • Reporting of macroeconomic statistics updated to highlight the contribution of trade in services towards economic development in Guyana
Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM