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Targeted Support on Trade and Investment -- Papua New Guinea—European Union Business Conference, 2019 and 2021


  • PNG Investment Promotion Authority
  • EU-PNG Business Council
  • PNG Business Community;
  • European Business Community in the Region.
  • Business communities and government officials from Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, and Solomon Islands.


Papua New Guinea:

  • National Trade Office;
  • Ministry for Finance and Rural Development
  • PNG Immigration and Citizenship Authority;
  • PNG Tourism Promotion Authority;
  • Department of Justice and Attorney General;
  • PNG Embassy in Brussels
  • National Fisheries Authority
  • PNG Forest Authority
  • Intellectual Property Office of PNG
  • PNG Manufacturers Council
  • National and Supreme Courts of PNG
  • Provinces administration representatives
  • PNG Ports
  • Coffee Industry Corporation
  • PNG Fishing Industry Association
  • PNG Chamber of Mines & Petroleum
  • Institute of National Affairs
  • South Pacific Brewery
  • Fishing Industry Association
  • Business companies, exporters and importers


  • Ministry of Trade and Economic Development
  • Small Business Enterprise Centre Samoa
  • Samoa Association of Manufactures and Exporters
  • Samoa Chamber of Commerce
  • Women in Business Development Inc


  • Fiji Ports Corporation Limited
  • Fiji Trade Commission PNG


  • Tonga National Youth Congress
  • Tonga Ministry of Trade and Economic Development
  • Tonga business companies
  • Royal Thailand Consulate


  • European Union Delegation to Papua New Guinea
  • European Commission DG Trade
  • Embassy of Hungary/Canberra
  • British High Commission
  • European Public Law Organization
  • Oxford Business Group
  • Embassy of France
  • Australian Marine Pilots
  • European business companies


The overall objective of the support project was to stimulate more direct trade and investment by European businesses and the beneficial integration of Papua New Guinea into the regional and global economy and, thereby, contribute to sustainable economic development and poverty reduction.

Three-fold purposes: To strengthen business and investment ties between the EU and PNG; to provide adequate information on key commercial and investment sectors in PNG to European business operators in the Pacific region; and to raise Businesses’ awareness and ownership of the benefits of the EPA between the EU and PNG.

Five-fold Project outputs:

  1. PNG and EU business exchange promoted;
  2. Good practices for entering the PNG market are shared and challenges are identified;
  3. Sectoral business intelligence, final report and assessment of way forward completed;
  4. Businesses are aware of the EPA benefits and challenges and;
  5. Businesses’ interest to exploit EPA benefits beyond fisheries.

Intervention areas:

  • PNG-EU business conference;
  • Investment climate;
  • EPA;
  • Fisheries;
  • Competitiveness



Purpose 1: To strengthen business and investment ties between the EU and PNG

  • PNG and EU business exchange promoted

Purpose 2: To provide adequate information on key commercial and investment sectors in PNG to European business operators in the Pacific region

  • Good practices for entering the PNG market are shared and challenges are identified;
  • Sectoral business intelligence, final report and assessment of way forward completed.

Purpose 3: To raise businesses’ awareness and ownership of the benefits of the EPA between the EU and PNG

  • Businesses are aware of the EPA benefits and challenges;
  • Businesses’ interest to exploit EPA benefits beyond fisheries.
Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM