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Southern African Development Community (SADC) -- Capacity Building for the SADC EPA States on the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter in Preparation for the Review of the EU-SADC EPA 


SADC-EPA States:





Namibia and

South Africa;

The SADC EPA Unit;

The Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Secretariat


Embassy of Botswana to the EU on behalf of the SADC EPA States


Delegation of the European Union in Ghana

European Commission


The overall objective of this support project is to contribute to the successful review of the EU-SADC EPA by strengthening the capacity of the trade negotiators and officials of the SADC EPA States to deepen their understanding of the link between trade and sustainable development under the EPA.

Four-fold purposes: To capacitate the technical teams of the SADC EPA negotiators and officials to address negotiations on trade and sustainable development; To raise awareness on the trade and sustainable development provisions in the FTAs signed between the EU and third countries; To identify trade and sustainable development elements that may be included in the sustainable development chapter during the review of the SADC-EU EPA; To facilitate the development of negotiation position(s)/targets on the trade and sustainable development chapter under the EU-SADC EPA review.

Six-fold project outputs:

  • Relevant training modules and materials on subjects and practical issues for the development of negotiating skills prepared;
  • Officers from the national authorities of the SADC EPA 6 countries are trained through a five-day (part-time) virtual workshop on technical and practical aspects of Trade and Sustainable Development relevant to the EPA implementation;
  • Relevant provisions in the Trade and Development Chapters in the FTAs signed between the EU and third countries are made available to the technical teams of the SADC EPA States;
  • Technical Officers effectively reviewed the Trade and Development Chapters in the FTAs signed between the EU and third countries and aligned with national priorities;
  • Key elements of sustainable development that may be included in the sustainable development chapter during the review of the EU-SADC EPA are identified;
  • Negotiation targets / position(s) on the trade and sustainable development chapter under the EU-SADC EPA review are developed.

Intervention areas:

  • Capacity building to strengthen skills on EPA negotiations for SADC Officials;
  • Improving knowledge on trade and sustainable development content in EPAs and EU FTAs with third countries;
  • Assessment of trade and development in EPAs and EU FTAs with respect to the national priorities of SADC countries;
  • Facilitate the development of the negotiating positions of SADC countries on trade and development for the review of the EU SADC EPA.



Purpose 1: To capacitate the technical teams of the SADC EPA negotiators and officials to address negotiations on trade and sustainable development to strengthen sustained and development friendly competitiveness and further integration in the global trading system

  • Relevant training modules and materials on subjects and practical issues to be covered for the development of skills during the training are prepared;
  • Officers from the national authorities of the SADC-EPA States are trained through a five-day (part-time) virtual workshop on technical and practical aspects of Trade and Sustainable Development relevant to the EPA negotiations including horizontal provisions, domestic regulations, market access, national treatment, and special and differential treatment among other aspects;

Purpose 2: To raise awareness on the trade and sustainable development provisions in the FTAs signed between the EU and third countries

  • Relevant provisions in the Trade and Development Chapters in the FTAs signed between the EU and third countries are made available to the technical teams of the SADC EPA States;
  • Technical officers effectively review the Trade and Development Chapters in the FTAs signed between the EU and third countries and align with national priorities;

Purpose 3: To identify trade and sustainable development elements that may be included in the sustainable development chapter during the review of the SADC-EU EPA.

  • Key elements of sustainable development that may be included in the sustainable development chapter during the review of the EU-SADC EPA are identified;

Purpose 4: To facilitate the development of negotiation position(s) / targets on the trade and sustainable development chapter under the EU-SADC EPA review

  • Negotiation targets / position(s) on the trade and sustainable development chapter under the EU-SADC EPA review are developed


Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM