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This component is an inclusive, demand-driven facility capable of rapidly mobilizing cooperative responses to the Programme’s activities. The Grants will complement the ad-hoc demand-led support provided under the Programme Estimate (PE) component with longer-term and locally anchored institutional capacity building.

The grants, through structured calls for proposals, will:

  • Provide support to the ACP trade capacity building institutions that will form the cornerstone of locally anchored institutional capacity building;
  • Facilitate North-South twinning for trade research and training (specialized providers of Trade Related Assistance – TRA - from EU Member States in partnership with ACP trade capacity building and research institutions (the beneficiaries);
  • Facilitate South-South trade research and training cooperation arrangements also in partnership with ACP trade research and training institutions;
  • Facilitate the build-up of trans-ACP trade research and training networks, thus facilitating reinforced complementarities at the intra-ACP level;
  • Complement the demand-led PE’s components.

The Guidelines and related documents are available on the EuropeAid Website:

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM