PO28- Targeted Support for the 2017 Update of the Vanuatu Trade Policy Framework (TPFU2017)
Status | [ From 2018-06-28] |
Region | Pacific |
Project type | National |
Sector |
Country | Vanuatu |
Applicant | Ministry of Tourism and Trade (Vanuatu) |
Documents | |
Under this support programme, the TPF Update 2017 (TPFU 2017) was carried out by adopting DTIS guidelines, adapted to best fit the national conditions. By supporting the TPFU 2017 the programme provided a crucial contribution towards the strengthening of the EU’s Sectoral Policy for Vanuatu. More generally, by keeping up the momentum of the Vanuatu’s Trade Mainstreaming Programme (TMP), the support programme played a pivotal role in driving progressive policy reforms, ensuring increased inflows of Aid-for-Trade, and ultimately enhancing the role of trade as the key engine of sustainable development in Vanuatu.
One-fold purpose: Strengthen the “policy pillar” of the Vanuatu's Trade Mainstreaming Program (TMP).
Three-fold outputs:
- Six (06) chapters of the Vanuatu's Trade Policy Framework 2017 (TPFU 2017) updated and formally approved by the Vanuatu National Trade Development Committee;
- The TFPU Implementation Matrix/Roadmap for the selected chapters updated and formally approved by the Vanuatu National Trade Development Committee;
- Results of the Vanuatu's TMP effectively shared.
Intervention areas:
- Drafting of 6 chapters of the Vanuatu’s TFPU 2017, notably:
Ch. 2) The macroeconomic environment (KE 1);
Ch. 3) Trade composition and trends (KE1);
Ch. 4) External trade policies and trade agreements (KE1);
Ch. 6) Trade Facilitation and related (KE2);
Ch. 11) Agriculture (KE3);
Ch. 12) Agro-processing & other manufacturing (KE3);
- Drafting of Implementation Matrix/Roadmap for the 6 chapters;
- Production of a Vanuatu’s TMP DVD showcasing (1) results achieved from 2012 to 2016 and (2) the way forward based, inter-alia, on the findings of the TPFU 2017.
Purpose 1: Strengthen the “policy pillar” of the Vanuatu's Trade Mainstreaming Program (TMP)
- Relevant primary and secondary data from the key stakeholders and reputable sources gathered and analysed;
- Literature review of the obtained data organized using analytical tools as specified under the specific scope of the work;
- 40 Key project stakeholders and focal points involved and consulted in the preparation and definition of the project outputs;
- Initial findings presented at 2 stakeholder workshops and the results approved by the Vanuatu National Trade Development Committee;
- The selected six (06) chapters of Vanuatu's Trade Policy Framework 2018 (TPFU 2018) updated and formally approved by the Vanuatu National Trade Development Committee, in particular:
- Ch.2) The macroeconomic environment;
- Ch.3) Trade composition and trends;
- Ch.4) External trade policies and trade agreements;
- Ch.6) Trade Facilitation and related infrastructure;
- Ch.11) Agriculture;
- Ch.12) Agro-processing & other manufacturing;
- Recommendations/findings effectively shared with the Beneficiary during the presentations of initial findings to MTTCNVB, National Trade Development Committee (NTDC), and the TPFU 2018 Public Private Working Group (PPWG);
- TPFU 2018 implementation matrix relevant to each of the six chapters of the TPFU 2018 prepared and submitted to the Beneficiary:
- Ch.2) The macroeconomic environment;
- Ch.3) Trade composition and trends;
- Ch.4) External trade policies and trade agreements;
- Ch.6) Trade Facilitation and related infrastructure;
- Ch.11) Agriculture;
- Ch.12) Agro-processing & other manufacturing;
- Ministry of Tourism, Trade, Commerce and Ni-Vanuatu Business, National Trade Development Committee (NTDC), The TPFU 2018 Public Private Working Group (PPWG) consulted on the key outputs of this support programme;
- 6 Work plans for the implementation of the related six chapters produced following stakeholder recommendations on the TPF.