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P035 : Appui à l’élaboration et au renforcement des politiques et règles commerciales du Gabon

Status [ From 2019-02-19]
Region Central Africa
Project type National
  • Trade policies+capacity building
  • Trade policies+capacity building
Country Gabon
Applicant Ministère du Commerce (Gabon)

The support programme contributed to sustainable economic development and poverty reduction in Gabon, by supporting the development and strengthening of Gabon’s trade policies and rules.

Four-fold purposes: Updating of the Gabonese Commercial Code and Establishment of a body dedicated to trade administration; Development of a Trade Policy Document for Gabon; Capacity building in trade statistics; Design of strategies to promote foreign trade and investments.

Four-fold outputs:

  • The Gabonese trade code drawn up and a body dedicated to trade administration set up;
  • Commercial policy document based on the broad economic guidelines for Gabon prepared;
  • Reinforced capacities in terms of commercial statistics and establishment of a statistical unit within the General Directorate of Commerce;
  • An Export Promotion Strategy produced; An Investment Promotion Strategy is developed; and project grants are offered in the following two identified sectors: agro-industry and tourism.

Intervention areas:

  • Trade policies formulation;
  • Export promotion strategies;
  • Commercial policies;
  • Legal services;
  • Trade Statistic.

Purpose 1: Updating of the Gabonese Commercial Code and Establishment of a body dedicated to trade administration

  • Audit of the legal framework for commercial activities undertaken;
  • Proposal of new legal texts (unregulated or poorly regulated areas) prepared;
  • Harmonization of texts (old / new) in a Commercial Code undertaken;
  • Audit of legal texts on the status of civil servants carried out;
  • Proposal of legal texts establishing the Body prepared;
  • ENA / EPCA Trade discipline (access, training, status (s) and career (s)) created.

Purpose 2:  Development of a Commercial Policy Document for Gabon

  • Diagnosis of constraints to trade development carried out;
  • Strategy to articulate commercial policy to the PSGE prepared;
  • Proposal for an import policy (incentives / protection) prepared;
  • Workshop on constraints to business development (Focus Group) successfully held with the participation of key stakeholders.

Purpose 3: Capacity building in trade statistics

  • Indices and analysis of foreign trade statistics undertaken;
  • System for streamlining procedures prepared;
  • System for collecting and compiling trade statistics prepared;
  • Data collection missions (non-computerized customs offices) undertaken;
  • Continuing training sessions for officials of the concerned administrations carried out;
  • Three training workshops successfully held with the active participation of the key stakeholders and a permanent focus group set up;
  • Case studies presentation made for the benefit of the key stakeholders;
  • Training materials developed and shared.

Purpose 4:  Design of strategies to promote foreign trade and investments

  • Investment promotion strategy prepared;
  • Export promotion strategy prepared;
  • Grants for Sectoral project (Agro-industry and tourism) elaborated;
  • Training on the implementation of the PPP policy undertaken with the active participation of the key stakeholders;
  • Technical training to promote investments and exports undertaken with the active participation of the key stakeholders.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM