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PO26-Appui à l’intégration de Madagascar au Système Commercial International

Status [ From 2018-08-31]
Region Indian Ocean
Project type National
  • Trade negotiations
  • Trade negotiations
Country Madagascar
Applicant Ministère du Commerce et de la Consommation (Madagascar)

The support programme contributed to the sustainable economic development of the Republic of Madagascar through support for better integration of the country into the global trading system.

Three-fold purposes: Operationalization of the national export strategy, including the commercial opportunities offered by the EPA; Support to the development and harmonization of trade agreements and legal texts; Support for the operationalization of the National Committee for International Trade Negotiations.

Three-fold outputs: The Support Programme contributed to:

  • A market access mapping that was developed along with an action plan for the implementation of the National Export Strategy;
  • Legal texts were updated and harmonised in line with international trade requirements;
  • Trade negotiation capacities of the key beneficiaries strengthened.
  • Intervention areas:
  • Market access mapping and preparation of the National Export Strategy action plan;

EPA implementation roadmap;

  • Legal texts revision and harmonisation;
  • Capacity building on trade negotiation;
  • Support to the operationalisation of National Committee for International Trade Negotiations.

Purpose 1 – Operationalization of the national export strategy, including the commercial opportunities offered by the EPA

  • Market Export cartography prepared;
  • Operational audit of the single export source and proposals for concrete measures in its optimisation carried out;
  • Study of the penetration of the export market of Malagasy goods and services undertaken;
  • Training modules – Training on Market Penetration; mapping of priority markets in Madagascar prepared and related trainings undertaken;
  • Action plan for EPA implementation prepared.

Purpose 2 - Support to the development and harmonization of trade agreements and legal texts

  • Document: Anti-dumping regulation project prepared;
  • Document: Anti-subsidies regulations prepared;
  • Draft Regulation on Safeguards prepared;
  • Observation note on regulatory projects prepared;
  • Questionnaire for Independent Importers circulated to key stakeholders and feedbacks obtained;
  • Survey questionnaire for the implementation of anti-dumping measures circulated to key stakeholders and feedbacks obtained;
  • Survey questionnaire for the implementation of anti-subsidies measures for states circulated to key stakeholders and feedbacks obtained;
  • Survey questionnaire for the implementation of anti-subsidies measures circulated to key stakeholders and feedbacks obtained;
  • Survey questionnaire for the implementation of safeguard measures circulated to key stakeholders and feedbacks obtained;
  • Legal Instruments – Trade remedy measures (set of documents) prepared.

Purpose 3 - Support for the operationalization of the National Committee for International Trade Negotiations.

  • Training Modules on the International Negotiations prepared;
  • Database of bilateral agreements created;
  • Report - Madagascar's bilateral trade agreements and their interactions with multilateral (WTO) and regional (EPA, SADC, COMESA) commitments prepared;
  • Note on the scenarios used in the TRIST analysis to evaluate the impact of the CFTA on Madagascar prepared.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM