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PO21-Appui à l'amélioration des capacités institutionnelles en matière de politiques commerciales au Chad

Status [ From 2018-08-14]
Region Central Africa
Project type National
Sector Trade policies+capacity building
Country Chad
Applicant Ministère du Commerce (Chad)

Programme to support the Republic of Chad in the implementation and monitoring of its trade policies.

Three-fold purposes: to assist Chad in the implementation of its trade policies, customs formalities and to achieve implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement; assistance to improve Chad’s institutional capacities in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of trade policies, and multilateral and regional trade negotiations; and support for strengthening foreign trade statistics, including in the field of trade in services.

Four-fold outputs: The Support Programme contributed to:

  • Study on the Modernization of Customs Procedures and Implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement in CHAD;
  • A roadmap for the implementation of the agreement on trade facilitation;
  • Development of an action plan to monitor trade negotiations;
  • Research and compilation of statistical data on trade and establishment of a system for collecting and compiling trade statistics.

Intervention areas:

  • Implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement, streamlining of Customs procedures and formalities;
  • Capacity building on trade negotiations;
  • System for processing and analyzing statistics on trade in services;
  • Research and compilation of statistical data on external trade;
  • Establishment of foreign trade indices.

Purpose 1 – support for the implementation and monitoring of Chad's trade policies

  • Study on the Modernization of Customs Procedures and Implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement in CHAD undertaken;
  • Roadmap for the implementation of the agreement on trade facilitation in Chad prepared;
  • Documentary Process of Authorized Economic Operator Status developed;
  • Scheme of the advance ruling in order to facilitate and accelerate the customs clearance process prepared;
  • Risk Management Diagram of customs prepared;
  • Legal questionnaire of the training workshop circulated to key stakeholders and adequate feedbacks obtained;
  • Training materials prepared and the training workshop successfully held for the key stakeholders from the trade support institutions and business community.

Purpose 2 – support for the improvement of institutional capacity in formulation, implementation and monitoring of trade policies

  • Action plan for monitoring trade negotiations and improving the business climate, and for the implementation of trade agreements;
  • Training modules on trade negotiations prepared and the training workshop for trade officials and the business community successfully held.

Purpose 3 - Support for strengthening statistics on foreign trade and services

  • Methodology for setting up a system for compiling foreign trade indexes developed;
  • Methodology for setting up a system for collecting and compiling commercial statistics developed;
  • Methodology for calculating indexes of external trade developed;
  • Elaboration of indexes and analysis undertaken;
  • Document: Evolution of indexes of unit values, total quantities and total values of imports of goods—prepared and widely circulated among key stakeholders;
  • Study- Specification of variables and tariff headings according to the Harmonized System (HS) undertaken;
  • Training workshops successfully implemented and reports prepared and circulated among the key stakeholders.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM