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PO18-Support to Selected PACPS to Strengthen Trade Facilitation and Private Sector Competitiveness

Status [ From 2019-09-04]
Region Pacific
Project type Regional
Sector Trade facilitation+competitiviness
  • Dept. of Resources & Development of FSM
  • Ministry of Finance (RMI)
  • Samoa Association of Manufacturers&Exporters (SAME)
  • Secretary for Finance & Economic Development (Kiribati)

The support programme aimed to a) assessing the adequacy and robustness of the Customs data collection instruments in the Republic of Marshall Island (RMI), b) viability and management implication of implementing an electronic single window in Kiribati, c) the competitiveness of exporting SMEs in the Federated States of Micronesia and Samoa.

The support programme activities consisted of technical support to the Directorate of Customs and Trade, capacity building services on customs infrastructure and processes, product quality, and preparation of strategic and technical reports.

Three-fold purposes: To assess the adequacy and robustness of the Customs data collection instruments in the Republic of Marshall Island (RMI); assess the viability and management of implementing an electronic single window in Kiribati; and to enhance the business environment for Exporting SMEs in the Federated States of Micronesia and Samoa.

Four-fold project outputs: The Support Programme contributed to:

  • The adequacy and robustness of customs data collection instruments in RMI assessed and import and export statistics compiled and classified;
  • Regulations and procedures developed and national HS based tariff schedule and related statistics applied at national level;
  • Simplified and harmonized customs procedures introduced and a business model to implement a Single Window System developed and applied in Kiribati; and
  • The business environment for Exporting SMEs in the Federated States of Micronesia and Samoa enhanced.

Intervention areas:

For RMI:

  • Customs data collection instruments assessed, and trade data updated to HS 2012;
  • Review the current legislative framework and existing commodity classification procedures, processes and official forms for recording trade commodity information in RMI;
  • Amend the RMI legislative framework to incorporate the implementation of the HS commodity classification nomenclature and the relevant regulations, procedures, processes and official forms where commodity classification is recorded;
  • Develop a national tariff schedule (with national splits) according to the 2012 and 2017 editions of the HS nomenclature (HS 2012 and HS 2017).

For Kiribati:

  • Viability of the single window including an economic and technical feasibility, and an assessment of the current legal and institutional environment;
  • Recommend best practice model for a Single Window System based on the WCO Guidelines;
  • Plan and budget for implementation of a Single Window System including the inherent legal framework and submit them to the Kiribati Customs Administration for validation.

For Samoa and FSM:

  • Review of policy, legislative, and institutional regulatory framework in Samoa and FSM (such as legislation on SPS measures);
  • Market Access of SMEs, through training on standards and conformity assessment procedures and assist selected companies with the implementation of the selected standards for certification;
  • Develop a guide on “Managing Quality” to sensitize stakeholders on quality, standards and technical regulations, SPS and the related-services available in Samoa and FSM;
  • Dissemination of results.


Purpose 1: To assess the adequacy and robustness of the Customs data collection instruments in the Republic of Marshall Island (RMI)

  • Reviewed and analysed 4060 (2016) and 3645 (2017) Import Customs declarations for the period January 2016 to December 2017 (24 months);
  • Gathered data from 190 companies;
  • Classified data records for 2016;
  • Classified data items’ records for 2017;
  • Set-up a Eurotrace database for RMI to classify the trade data;
  • Trained 8 staff of EPPSO and Customs in the use of the Eurotrace software;
  • New Draft Customs Declaration Form prepared;
  • Draft Internal/ external Instruction on Classification Procedure prepared;
  • ToR for Harmonised System Working Group prepared;
  • Delivered training on the correct use of the HS commodity classification.
  • Report on the regulation procedures including customs declaration forms developed and national HS based tariff schedule and related statistics applied at national level.

Purpose 2: To assess the viability and management implication of implementing an electronic single window in Kiribati

  • Electronic Single Window Establishment Feasibility Report prepared;
  • Electronic Single Window Establishment Model prepared;
  • Electronic Single Window Implementation Plan prepared;
  • Implementation strategy and single window business models presented to the targeted country beneficiaries;
  • 21 one-on-one briefing meetings held and appraisal workshops with agencies participating in Kiribati Single Window Feasibility Study Project conducted;
  • 71 representatives of the concerned ministries and the private sector of the targeted countries in attendance.

Purpose 3: To enhance the business environment for Exporting SMEs in the Federated States of Micronesia and Samoa


  • Training workshop successfully conducted -- 20 people in attendance;
  • Guide "Managing Quality» for SMEs prepared and widely circulated among the key stakeholders.

Federal States of Micronesia (FSM):

  • Training workshop successfully conducted – 26 representatives in attendance;
  • Guide "Managing Quality» for SMEs available prepared and widely circulated among the key stakeholders.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM