PO24-Common OECS Service and Fisheries Trade Policies

Status | [ From 2018-09-05] |
Region | |
Project type | Regional |
Sector | Trade policies+capacity building |
Applicant | OECS |
Documents | |
Purpose 1 – Address convergence of the regulatory frameworks for services in the OECS Economic Union for four target sectors
- Diagnostic Services Report on the trade in services legal environment in the OECS Region prepared;
- Inventory of regulations and institutions in the targeted sectors (professional services, health and wellness services, cultural services and information and communication technology services) undertaken;
- Legislative assessment for the services sector carried out;
- Review of the laws of the OECS Economic Union Area carried out;
- Action and Implementation Plan for the reform and implementation of the legislative regime prepared;
- Diagnostic Services Report prepared including:
- Inventory of regulations in the targeted sector;
- Legislative assessment;
- Review of the law of the OECS Economic Union Area;
- Action and implementation plan for the reform.
Purpose 2 – Strengthen capacity in the OECS in project design and management in the domain of trade related assistance
- Training Materials (handouts and worksheets) for the trade related Project identification and Formulation prepared;
- Tailor made trade-related project management capacity building programmes in trade related areas delivered;
- Trade Concept Report prepared;
- Customised materials high-lighting project design and implementation of trade related projects prepared;
- E-Services Trade Portal Concept Design prepared;Notes of Meeting with OECS Secretariat Officials prepared.
Purpose 3 - Develop an OECS approach to Fisheries Subsidies Rules Negotiations in the Multilateral Trading System and other negotiating arenas
- Action and Implementation plan on OECS approach to Fisheries Subsidies Rules Negotiations;
- Fisheries subsidies analysis;
- Consideration of disciplines on subsidies to IUU fishing;
- OECS Position paper on WTO fisheries subsidies negotiations to the 11 Ministerial Conference prepared;
- OECS Statement on Fisheries to the WTO 11 Ministerial Conference
- Report of the Fishery Subsidies training workshop prepared and shares with key stakeholders in the OECS.
Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM