PO02-Targeted Support for the Implementation of the Tripartite FTA Agreement-Trade Policy and Export Development to the EU MARKET

Status | [ From 2018-05-22] |
Region | East African Community |
Project type | Regional |
Sector | Trade negotiations |
Applicant | East Africa Community |
Documents | |
Purpose 1: Development of a Framework for elimination of NTBs.
- Gap assessment for the implementation of the EAC Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers Act 2017 and the Regulations undertaken;
- Regulations and operational procedures for the implementation of the Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers Act 2017 developed and submitted to EAC Secretariat;
- Compendium of trade laws and regulations compiled for Burundi and submitted to the Government and the EAC Secretariat;
- Four training workshops on the Simplified Trade Regime (STR) at 4 selected One-Stop Border Posts (OSBPs) successfully held:
- Malaba – Uganda and Kenya;
- Miraba Hills -- Uganda and Kagitumba/Rwanda;
- Kabanga – Tanzania and Kenya;
- Namanga – Tanzania and Kenya;
- Training materials on the Simplified Trade Regime (STR) to women and youth traders prepared and delivered;
- Report: Simplified Trade Regime (STR) related NTB elimination strategy prepared and submitted to the EAC Secretariat;
- Concept note on best practices of Trade Remedies Committee (TRC) prepared for the EAC Secretariat;
- Trade Remedies Rules of Procedures focused on NTB resolution prepared for the EAC Secretariat;
- Trade Remedies Work Programme prepared for the EAC Secretariat;
- An evaluation of the EAC’s Trade Help Desk undertaken and redesigned the function and mainstreaming of the help desk;
- Provision of contents for uploading on the help desk which will include elements of:
- Tariff reductions; and
- Duty and quota-free commitments.
Purpose 2: Foster trade development and expansion under the Tripartite
- Reviewed the EAC Export Promotion Strategy (2013 – 2016);
- Developed the EAC Export Promotion Strategy (EPS) (2017-2022) and submitted to the EAC Secretariat;
- Prepared the Guide for the EAC-EPS 2017-2022 and submitted to the EAC Secretariat.
- Organized the close-out workshop where the following three main project deliverables were presented:
- The “EAC Elimination of NTBs Regulations, 2017”;
- The “EAC Elimination of Simplified Trade Regime (STR) related Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) Strategy”; and
- The “EAC Export Promotion Strategy (EPS) 2017-2022”.
Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM