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PO20-Targeted Support to Rwanda to Improve its E-Commerce Environment and Export Facilitation for SMEs

The support programme contributed to sustainable economic development in Rwanda through closer integration and increased participation in the global economy

Two-fold purposes: Improve the e-commerce environment in Rwanda; and Promote exports of the Rwanda private sector including SMEs.

Four-fold outputs: The Support Programme contributed to:

  • Development of a framework for an enabling environment for e-commerce;
  • The establishment of a framework for the Rwanda business information (RBI) platform;
  • Strengthening the capacities of trade support institutions in providing packaging related support to SMEs; and
  • Business communities are aware of the trading opportunities and benefits under the EAC-EU EPA.

Intervention areas:

  • Develop a legal framework for e-commerce;
  • Prepare a framework for shared business information platform;
  • Develop a “Made in Rwanda” promotional strategy;
  • Preparation of training materials;
  • Develop an awareness programme for the business community;
  • Undertake training workshop for the private sector and trade support institutions on e-commerce, product packaging, and the benefits of the EU-EAC EPA and the EU EIP.

Purpose 1: Improving e-commerce environment in Rwanda

  • E-commerce legal and policy framework Assessment carried out;
  • E-commerce Readiness Survey carried out;
  • RBI Content Map and Market Access Guide prepared;
  • Made in Rwanda e-commerce promotional strategy prepared.

Purpose 2: Promoting exports of the Rwanda private sector including SMEs

  • Packaging Needs Assessment Report prepared;
  • Packaging Sensitization Report prepared;
  • Packaging guideline prepared;
  • TSI/SME Training materials prepared on the following subjects:
  • Training workshop report prepared;
  • Made in Rwanda Promotional Strategy developed
  • NIRDA intervention matrix prepared.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM