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PO17-Renforcement des capacités commerciales du Sénégal: Facilitation des échanges, accès au marché et mesures de défense commerciale


The support programme aimed at strengthening Senegal's commercial capacities in the field of Trade Facilitation, Market Access and Trade Defence Measures.

Four-fold outputs: The Support Programme contributed to:

  • The Trade Facilitation Agreement implemented;
  • Assessment study on fishery subsides and WTO negotiation positions elaborated;
  • A better understanding and use of the Trade defence instruments at the regional and multilateral levels and a strategy to better implement the trade defensive measures was elaborated;
  • The offers notified to the WTO as part of the services waiver were studied and popularized with a view to optimal implementation by Senegal.

Intervention areas:

  • Effective implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement;
  • Action plan and training for key public actors on Trade Facilitation Agreement and Sanitary and Phytosanitary customs procedures;
  • Comprehensive analysis of fisheries subsidies and recommendations for Senegal to adjust to WTO rules and policies;
  • A benchmarking study on the use of trade defence instruments, recommendations for updating the regulatory framework, design of a warning system;
  • Sensitization workshop on the Use of Trade Defence Instruments;
  • A study and sensitization workshop to assist Senegal in making the best possible use of the WTO Services waiver for LDCs.

Purpose 1 –Implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement in Senegal

  • Study on the implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation - The Impact on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Control Procedures and Conformity Assessment of Senegal undertaken;
  • Training modules on trade facilitation and its effective implementation prepared;
  • Training Report Study on Trade Facilitation Agreement implementation in Senegal prepared;
  • Training at a national level to share the study on TFA successfully undertaken;
  • Action Plan on Barriers to Trade submitted and approved by the respective authorities.

Purpose 2 - Fishery Subsidies Analysis and Senegal's Adjustment to the Rules and Policies of the WTO

  • Study on Fishery Subsidies in Senegal undertaken;
  • Restitution Workshop on the study on fishery subsidies material Study on fishery subsidies in Senegal successfully held;
  • Material of the restitution workshop prepared and circulated to the key stakeholders;
  • Report of workshop on the harmonization of Senegal’s negotiations positions on grants for fisheries prepared.

Purpose 3 -Optimization of the use of trade defence instruments by Senegal

  • Report: Mechanism of trade alert for Senegal prepared;
  • Report: Training program to consolidate the capacity to manage Senegal’s business defence instruments procedures prepared;
  • Workshop materials prepared and circulated to the key stakeholders;
  • Study on anti-dumping legislation for Senegal undertaken;
  • Draft anti-subsidy legislation for Senegal prepared and submitted to the respective authorities;
  • Draft Safeguards legislation for Senegal prepared and submitted to the authorities;
  • Terms of reference of the benchmarking mission on trade defence measures prepared;
  • Report of the restitution workshop of the benchmarking study prepared.

Purpose 4 -Implementation of the Least Developed Countries services waiver in the WTO

  • Analytical study on selected service sectors of Senegal undertaken;
  • Analytical Report on tenders notified to the WTO under the services derogation prepared;
  • Material of the restitution workshop on the subject prepared;
  • Negotiations positions at WTO for Senegal prepared and submitted to the respective authorities.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM