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PO25-Targeted Support to the authorities of Samoa and Solomon Islands in the accession and preparation for the implementation of the EPA with the EU

The support programme aimed to prepare and obtain the approval of the national i-EPA implementation plan; conduct legislative review(s) and propose a framework for adaptation of domestic legislation to the i-EPA as well as a framework for the ratification of the i-EPA; undertake Private sector’s exploratory trade and investment missions to selected PACPS States and EU Member States in concert with the official mission to attend i-EPA coordination meetings.

Two-fold purposes:

  • Support the Samoan and Solomon Islands’ authorities prepare for the successful accession to the i-EPA; and
  • Assist the Samoan and Solomon Islands’ authorities to prepare for the effective implementation of the i-EPA.

Three-fold outputs: The Support Programme contributed to:

  • Trade officials’ capacities on EPA accession process strengthened and country’s EPA coordination structure and framework developed;
  • A study on the fiscal implications of the Market Access Offer (MAO) is produced;
  • Private sector operators better informed of the trade and investment opportunities under EPA.

Intervention areas:

  • EPA accession and implementation;
  • Capacity building in trade policy implementation;
  • Assessment of MAO fiscal implications;
  • Support to private sector to take advantage of the opportunities under EPA.

Purpose 1 – Support the Samoan and Solomon Islands’ authorities prepare for the successful accession to the EPA

  • Best Practice Report - structure and approach to trade policy frameworks for Samoa prepared;
  • Best Practice Report - structure and approach to trade policy frameworks for Solomon Islands prepared;
  • Fiscal and Economic Impact of the MAO Report for Samoa prepared;
  • Fiscal Report and Economic Impact of the MAO for Solomon Islands prepared;
  • EPA structure and framework on Market Access Offer for Samoa and Solomon Islands prepared;
  • Legislative Report, comprised of (i) Narrative; (ii) Compliance Matrix and (iii) Proposed Roadmap for Samoa prepared;
  • Legislative Report, comprised of (i) Narrative; (ii) Compliance Matrix and (iii) Proposed Roadmap for Solomon Islands prepared
  • Legislative Framework Matrix for the ratification of the EPA for Samoa and Solomon Islands prepared.

Purpose 2 - Assist the Samoan and Solomon Islands’ authorities to prepare for the effective implementation of the EPA.

  • Trade & Market Opportunities Report prepared;
  • Capacity Building Workshops and Presentations on preparedness for effective implementation of the EPA successfully held;
  • Trade development and private sector competitiveness report for Samoa and Solomon Islands prepared;
  • Material for the awareness workshop for government, private sector and civil society stakeholder on the benefits of EPA prepared;
  • Business exploratory mission for the selected business communities of Samoa and Solomon Islands undertaken.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM