P038 : Renforcement des Capacités Commerciales de l’UEMOA

Status | [ From 2019-01-22] |
Region | Western Africa |
Project type | Regional |
Sector |
Applicant | UEMOA |
Documents | |
The support programme was to contribute to sustainable economic development and poverty reduction in West Africa, through "Strengthening the Commercial Capacities of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)”.
Five-fold purposes: A strategy for the development of trade in goods between the Hinterland countries and the coastal countries within the WAEMU member states; Study on the strategy for coordinated border management in the WAEMU member states; The rules of origin in trade agreements (WTO, EPA, FTA, Regional trade integration) disseminated; Strengthened administrative capacities in competition rules in Niger and Guinea Bissau; and Strengthened capacities of the Commission and the Member States to use the provisions on trade defense measures.
Five-fold outputs:
- A regional strategy for the development of specific trade between the Hinterland countries and the coastal countries;
- Study on the strategy for coordinated border management in WAEMU member states;
- Rules of Origin training workshop within WAEMU;
- Training workshop on trade / export competitiveness in Niger and in Guinea;
- Trade defense mechanisms training workshop.
Intervention areas:
- Regional economic integration;
- Trade defence measures;
- Trade Facilitation and border management;
- Trade reforms;
- Private sector competitiveness;
- Rules of origin;
- Competition rules.
Purpose 1: A strategy for the development of trade in goods between the Hinterland countries and the coastal countries within the WAEMU member states.
- The regional strategy for the development of trade in goods between the Hinterland and coastal countries drawn up;
- A regional strategy presentation workshop organized;
- UEMOA capacities for trade management strengthened;
- Alignment of legislative and institutional framework for conformity to international standards undertaken;
- Strengthened trade management capacities of the business community;
- Developed a regional strategy for trade development under the ECOWAS-EU EPA;
- Training materials developed and shared.
Purpose 2: Study on the strategy for coordinated border management in the WAEMU member states.
- Field study visits to Benin, Niger and Togo undertaken;
- Study visits to Senegal and Burkina Faso
- A coordinated border management strategy in the WAEMU member states drawn up;
- Diagnostic la gestion des frontières dans l’espace UEMOA a été élaboré.
- A workshop to present the coordinated management strategy is organized
- Training materials on border trade management prepared and shared;
- Visibility materials produced and shared;
- Mise en place et la réalisation d’un Projet-Pilote de Poste à Contrôles juxtaposés (PCJ) à une frontière a été développé.
Purpose 3 The rules of origin in trade agreements (WTO, EPA, FTA, Regional trade integration) disseminated
- Training Modules on rules of origin were prepared;
- Training Modules related general theory of rules of origin, non-preferential rules of origin and the harmonization process, preferential rules of origin for WAEMU / ECOWAS and the EPA;
- Best practices study and training exercise carried out;
- A regional training workshop on rules of origin in trade agreements is organized.
Purpose 4: Strengthened administrative capacities in competition rules in Niger and Guinea Bissau
- Analysis and revision of the competition law in Niger undertaken;
- An institutional framework and comprehensive legislation on competition for Niger are being developed;
- A training seminar for local agents on the new institutional framework and Niger's competition law is organized;
- An institutional framework and comprehensive competition legislation for Guinea Bissau is being developed;
- A draft set of competition rules defined;
- Creation of a National Competition Authority aimed at adopting the text of the competition law under design;
- A training seminar for local trade agents on the new institutional framework and competition legislation in Guinea Bissau organized and well attended by the key stakeholders;
- A workshop to present studies on the institutional framework and competition in Niger and Guinea Bissau is organized;
- Training materials developed and shared among beneficiaries.
- Case studies analysis on competition Law carried out.
- Technical consultations with target groups.
Purpose 5: Strengthened capacities of the Commission and the Member States to use the provisions on trade defense measures.
- Training modules on trade defense measures are prepared and widely shared;
- Training modules on general theory of trade defense measures, the anti-dumping rules of the WTO, UEMOA and ECOWAS are prepared and shared;
- A regional training workshop on rules of origin in trade agreements organized and well attended by key stakeholders;
- Practical exercise and best practices analysis carried out.