P042 - Haiti - Appui à l’élaboration et au renforcement des politiques et règles commerciales de Haïti
Status | [ From 2019-07-23] |
Region | Caribbean |
Project type | National |
Sector |
Country | Haiti |
Applicant | Ministry Trade and Industry Haiti |
Documents | |
The general objective of the support programme is to contribute to sustainable economic development and poverty reduction in Haiti, by supporting the development and strengthening of the country's trade policies and rules
Four-fold purposes: Implementation of the economic partnership agreement - EU / CARIFORUM EPA; Support for successful integration into the Caribbean Single Market and Economy; Support for the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement; Support for the development of the national product certification system.
Four-fold outputs:
- Implementation and optimization of the EU / CARIFORUM EPA; assessment of the legal requirements and advantages in the EPA; roadmap for the EPA implementation; Analytical report on competition law;
- Successful integration into the Caribbean Single Market and Economy and training on interactions with EPA;
- The WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) is implemented; creation of the National Trade Facilitation Committee;
- National product certification system developed; diagnosis of the maturity of the national system; training on quality management and accreditation.
Intervention areas:
- EPA implementation;
- Compliance with WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement;
- Regional trade integration to CSME;
- Market access;
- National Quality system;
- Quality standards;
- Customs matters;
- Capacity building.
Purpose 1: Implementation of the economic partnership agreement - EU / CARIFORUM EPA
- Table of institutional and legal impact and advantages of the CARIFORUM-EU EPA is developed;
- Visibility material (leaflets) for the dissemination of the benefits of the CARIFORUM-EU EPA widely distributed;
- Roadmap for the National EPA Implementation Plan prepared and submitted to the authorities for approval and implementation;
- Technical consultations carried out.
Purpose 2: Support for successful integration into the Caribbean Single Market and Economy
- Training on the content of the CSME and its interactions with the ARIFORUM-EU EPA organized;
- CSME Ratification Analysis Document Focusing on Amending the Customs Tariff prepared;
- A Presentation and Analysis Document on Competition Law and Consumer Protection is developed;
- Visibility materials produced and widely shared;
- On line coaching and trainings for the key stakeholders undertaken;
- Technical consultations carried out.
Purpose 3: Support for the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement
- Terms of reference are developed and assistance in the technical creation of a National Trade Facilitation Committee provided;
- Technical assistance plan for the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement drawn up;
- The classification of the 36 measures in categories A, B and C under the WTO TFA is provided;
- The proposed deadlines for measures in categories B and C are provided;
- Needs assessment for category C measures is developed;
- Identification of sources of funding for further support in the implementation of the WTO TFA is developed;
- Preparation of draft notification of measures to the WTO is prepared.
- Drafting of the Decree establishing the National trade facilitation Committee.
Purpose 4: Support for the development of the national product certification system
- Diagnosis / inventory of the maturity of the existing system is undertaken;
- The quality management system (QMS) for the certification body and preparation for the ISO 9001 accreditation exam for international recognition is designed and implemented;
- Training for trainers’ sessions successfully held;
- On line Coaching services in the key areas under this purpose undertaken;
- Proposal for setting up the QMS Plan prepared and submitted to the respective authorities.
- Training materials produced and duly disseminated.