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The 7th TCII Steering Committee

Posted on: July 08, 2019


The 7th Steering Committee (SC) of the ACP-EU TradeCom II Programme was held at the ACP House on July 8, 2019. The Committee was chaired by Viwanou Gnassounou, Assistant Secretary-General responsible for Sustainable Economic Development and Trade at the ACP Secretariat and assisted by Françoise Guei, the ACP Secretariat’s Project Manager for the TradeCom II Programme.

DEVCO was represented by Antti Karhunen (Head of Unit DEVCO Dir. C) and Philippe Jacques (Policy Officer DG DEVCO C4). In attendance was also Christiane Leong (Expert Multilateral Trade Issues at the ACP Secretariat), representatives of the Grant’s beneficiaries (COMESA Secretariat, TRAPCA – ESAMI, UNECA, OECS, OAPI, REPOA, FAIMM) and representatives of the AESA Consortium that is implementing the TCII Programme.

The meeting offered an opportunity to consider the progress of the PMU activities under the three components of the TCII Programme (Programme Estimate, Rapid Response Facility and Grant), and the Programme’s future implementation strategy. Furthermore, the representatives of the Grant’s beneficiaries gave a presentation of the main results foreseen and the work plan of their projects.

During the meeting, the various stakeholders were very positive in their remarks on the Programme’s activities over the period January-June 2019. Furthermore, the workplan for the July 2019-December 2020, was approved by the Steering Committee.

The Chairman concluded the discussions by congratulating the work done by the PMU team, the commitment of the contractor of the Technical Assistance and the confirmed support of the EC in the implementation of the Programme. The 8th meeting of the SC will take place in 6 months’ time.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM