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TradeCom II Grant Signing Ceremony

Posted on: July 05, 2019


As a component of the TradeComm II Programme, the Grant is an inclusive, demand-driven facility that supports cooperative responses to the Programme’s objectives and expected results. The Grant complements the demand-led support with longer-term and locally anchored institutional capacity building.

The Collective Grant Singing Ceremony was held in the Atrium of the WTO’s headquarters in Geneva, the 4th July 2019 within the Aid For Trade Global Review 2019.

In their Opening statements Axel POUGIN DE LA MAISONNEUVE (Deputy Head of unit, DevCo European Commission) and Viwanou GNASSOUNOU (Assistant Secretary General, ACP Secretariat) congratulated the representatives of beneficiaries (COMESA Secretariat, TRAPCA – ESAMI, UNECA, OECS, OAPI, REPOA, FAIMM) and recalled the focus of the projects awarded under the Grant component, inter alia:

  • Support to ACP trade institutions (trade research and trade capacity building institutions, including academic institutions, etc.);
  • Encourage the establishment of both North-South-twinning (specialized providers of TRA from EU Member States in partnership with ACP beneficiaries) and cooperation with international organizations;
  • Support to South-South cooperation arrangements in the domain of institutional trade capacity building;
  • Foster the development of trans-ACP research and trade capacity building networks, thus facilitating reinforced complementarities on the intra-ACP level.

The Signing ceremony of the Grant Contracts was also a kick-off for cooperation among

beneficiaries that were enthusiastic to start to implement the planned projects successfully and fully utilize these facilities at the best in the spirit of EU-ACP cooperation.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM