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Guinea - Support for the improvement of institutional and technical capacities in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of Guinea's trade policies

Posted on: October 30, 2018


For its economic development, the Republic of Guinea is pursuing the implementation of reforms undertaken under the various structural adjustment programmes. Guinea is full of enormous potentials in the areas of agriculture, mining, fishing and energy.  To this end, in its third Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP III), is centred around three main thrusts: improve governance; stimulate growth and diversification of the economy and strengthen the human capital, special emphasis has been laid on trade as a guarantee for the improvement of the living conditions of the people, the maintenance of social peace and political stability as a vehicle of growth.

This programme results from five complaints and is based on three aesthetic components: (1) developing strategies and strengthening export support services; (2) building the capacity of stakeholders in negotiating and monitoring trade agreements; (3) setting up operational tools for the management of non-state commercial stakeholders.

  • The objective of the first component is to assist Guinea in developing strategies for the promotion of its export products. This is about developing a comprehensive national export promotion strategy; and two sectoral strategies related to the following products/sectors: coffee and shea butter. Training for AGUIPEX staff will also be conducted and will include market access, marketing, rules of origin, export subsidy opportunities for agricultural and industrial products, among others.
  • The second component addresses capacity building in the area of ​​trade negotiations and the implementation of agreements.  In this context, an action plan and training, aimed at agreements that concern the country (WTO, EPA, TEC, SLEC, ZLEC), will be implemented.
  • The third component addresses the private sector, especially women traders. The objective is to help Guinea strengthen the commercial capacities of non-state stakeholders by promoting the establishment of accounting and management procedures for SMEs, and by professionalizing informal trade activities, particularly by women; enacting a consumer protection manual against commercial practices and products dangerous to health.

The implementation of this programme started in August 2018 for a period of 5 months. The major implementing partner is the Ministry of Commerce.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM