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PIF+Niue - Implementation of Programme's activities

Posted on: April 03, 2017


The first Regional PACP programme launched by TradeCom II programme, “Targeted Support to PIFS to build capacity for Mainstreaming Trade Policy Frameworks (TPFs) and overall Trade Agenda in the Pacific Region, and to Niue for the Implementation of its TPF” is now in implementation phase.

Programme activities commenced on March 13, with a one-week inception period at the PIFS in Suva. During this week, the TL and KE2 conducted meetings with key officials from the beneficiaries in the Economic Governance Division at the PIFS and the Economic Planning and Development (EDP) and Customs Departments of the Government of Niue (via conference call). The inception meetings discussed clarifications of the project’s Terms of Reference (ToR), the timing of activities, the specific methodology for undertaking the work and the context on the ground. The Team also met with officers from the Oceania Customs Organisation (OCO) Secretariat to discuss their recent work in Niue. The discussions and their outcomes were summarised in the draft inception report submitted on 17 March (with a revised version awaiting final approval). The key lessons from both the Regional and Niue components of the project will be presented at a regional workshop later in the year.

The main output from the regional-level work carried out at the PIFS in Suva, Fiji, will be the production of a Regional Manual on Trade Policy mainstreaming which draws on international and regional best practice, and looks at what is meant by trade policy mainstreaming, its different dimensions, and the tools that can be used, and processes that can be followed to ensure that strong, coordinated, and effective trade policies are put in place across the region. One specific result will be to strengthen the role of the national trade committees that have been established across the PACPs. At the national level, the project will also provide specific support to Niue – the smallest ACP country – to move forward in implementing its TPF, delivering targeted support and training to officials in the country in conducting trade policy, and particularly addressing customs legislation reform.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM