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CARIFORUMA-EU EPA - Implementation of programme activities

Posted on: April 03, 2017


Following the Inception Phase, implementation of programme activities for the “support to enhance the implementation of the CARIFORUM- EU EPA, Cariforum directorate in Georgetown - Guyana has moved at full speed during the month of March, particularly in the following areas:

  • Updating the 5 model biils to provide for reciprocal market access for services. National Consultations have been held by the Team of Key Experts during the month of March on all five draft model bills. These five draft model bills were initially prepared in 2012 and underwent initial discussion and review by the States at that time. The model bills are aimed both at implementing components of the countries’ commitments made under the CARIFORUM-EU EPA and strengthening their regulatory environment to support the growth of investments and services.The consultations were scheduled to inform relevant stakeholders that the drafts were being updated and to solicit their inputs on deficiencies in the current drafts and/or developments since 2012.
  • Intra-CARIFORUM Mutual Recognition Agreement for Architects. Work has begun to support a regional consultation on recognition arrangements for architectural services, scheduled for April 4, 2017. A draft MRA have been prepared and circulated to the meeting participants. The consultation is being held by video conference, with the Consultant participating from Guyana.
  • Transposition of EPA Tariff Schedule to provide for reciprocal market access for goods. Work has also begun to support a regional meeting on the transposition of the harmonized commodity description and coding system in the EPA, scheduled for April 3, 2017. The meeting is being held by video conference, with the Consultant participating from Guyana.
  • Additionally, the procedure for the recruitment of the Non-Key Expert (NKE) was launched and is scheduled to be finalised at the end of the first week of April.


Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM