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Posted on: September 14, 2017


The third month of the programme implementation phase focused on four major activities and associated deliverables:

Finalising a Guide on Managing Product Quality in the Zanzibar/Pemba Export Corridor.
Following extensive consultations with the Zanzibar Ministry of Trade, Industry and Marketing (ZMTIM) and its Planning, Policy and Research Department as well as other stakeholders, a final draft of the Guide was presented at a dissemination workshop bringing together Zanzibar’s Trade Support Institutions (TSIs). The Guide provides a thorough assessment of Zanzibar’s product quality environment, identifies the shortcomings, and offers policy recommendations. The TSIs, with enhanced coordination and quality management improvements as recommended in the Guide, will be able to support farmers, producer associations and exporter organisations to overcome trading bottlenecks, gain greater access to and enter new markets, particularly those in the European Union (EU).

Organising a dissemination workshop in Zanzibar to present the Guide and seek feedback from the participating organisations.
The event was held on 20th July in Zanzibar. While Key Expert 3 presented the Guide and delivered several presentations, the Director of ZMTIM Department of Industry opened the workshop and the Director of the Planning, Policy and Research Department chaired, moderated the session and closed the event. The workshop was attended by a number of Zanzibar’s TSIs and covered by the local media.

Developing policy briefs on seaweed and spices value chains.
The policy briefs were drafted in close collaboration with REPOA’s research staff, based on the data collected from the field visit to the Zanzibar/Pemba Export Corridor. Both briefs focus on the obstacles to competitiveness and diversification along the two selected crops value chains. The drafts were presented at one of the brown bag seminars organised at REPOA as part of the capacity building process. Tanzania’s avocado value chain was proposed to be the subject of the third policy brief and it is envisaged to be developed in August.

Classifying data collected during the field visits to the Zanzibar/Pemba and the Northern Export Corridors, including identifying data gaps.
Further consultations were held in Dar es Salaam in order to validate the data and lay grounds for the technical report that will be developed in advance of the training and policy dialogue workshop. The workshop will be organised together with REPOA.  
All activities were implemented by the Technical Assistance Team (TAT) in close collaboration with both REPOA and ZMTIM staff members.


Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM