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PROMOTE 2017 - the 6th International Exhibition for Enterprises, SMEs and Partnership

Posted on: February 02, 2017


PROMOTE 2017, the 6th International Exhibition for Enterprises, SMEs and Partnership of Yaoundé, will be held at the Yaoundé Conference Centre (Palais des Congrès), from 11th to 19th February 2017.

As a major political actor on the international scene for over 60 years, the European Union is the main trading partner of Cameroon and, in the framework of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with EU, Cameroon is able to have free access to the EU market.

With the aim to increase the visibility of the EU and its key role of political and commercial partner to Cameroon, the Delegation of the European Union to Cameroon will set up a stand and a dedicated meeting room at Yaundé Conference Center. This initiative is aimed to increase knowledge in the context of enhancing the country’s trading capacity with the EU and the strengthening of the competitiveness of the private sector.

The Financial Administrator of the TradeCom II, Mr. José Lambiza, will participate at the PRONMOTE 2017 and deliver presentations at the special workshops on 14th and 15th February organized by the hosts for that purpose. The subjects for these presentations will be on “How to access funding under the EU Programmes including the Grant Schemes”.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM