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TradeCom II - Mission to Fiji

Posted on: April 07, 2016


The Hub and Spokes II Programme hosted the Pacific Regional Planning Workshop in Nadi, Fiji from Thursday 17 March to Friday 18 March 2016. TradeCom II, represented by its Senior Programme Manager, Mr. Tintis, was invited to participate in the meeting to introduce the new TradeCom II Programme activities and its main areas of intervention.

The main target audience was the Pacific region member states, the regional organisations, as well as the representatives of some countries participating at the H&S Workshop.

The H&S workshop was attended by approximately 10 participants, including institutions such as the PIF secretariat and the Commonwealth Secretariat. National Trade Advisers from countries in the region were also present, such as representatives of Fiji, Samoa and Marshall Island amongst others.

The main purpose was to present TradeCom II to the participants and get an overview with respect to the regional and national needs for support.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM