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The Africa Regional Planning Workshop in Lusaka (Zambia).

Posted on: April 28, 2016


The Africa Regional Planning Workshop organised by the Hub and Spokes II Programme was held on 12-13 April 2016, in Lusaka (Zambia). TradeCom II, represented by the Programme Manager, Ms. Lynn Hicintuka, participated in the workshop.

The workshop was attended by 24 participants from institutions such as the COMESA Secretariat, EAC Secretariat, SADC Secretariat, EU Delegation to the Republic of Zambia, and the Commonwealth Secretariat.

Trade Directors from Botswana, Burundi, Lesotho, Malawi, National Trade Advisers from countries in the regions as well as Regional Trade Advisers appointed by the Hub & Spokes II Programme were also present.

The mission was conceived as part of the needs assessment activities of the programme and to enhance the programme’s visibility in the COMESA, EAC and SADC regions.


Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM