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Posted on: March 31, 2021


The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission, in collaboration with the University of the West Indies (UWI) Shridath Ramphal Centre for International Trade Law, Policy and Services (SRC), hosted a webinar on November 11, 2020 for the 21 students of the 16th cohort of the UWI-SRC’s Master’s in International Trade Policy (MITP).

The purpose of the webinar was to allow the students to briefly introduce their research interests and identify opportunities for research collaboration and internships, to fulfill their research paper and internship requirements of the degree programme. Participants included officials from European Union Commission, the OACPS, the OECS Commission and its respective organs, OECS Government officials, partners in the regional business community and the UWI community.

The students are beneficiaries of a scholarship fund awarded through grant funds secured by the OECS Commission to implement the Project, “Consolidating the OECS Economic Union through Trade Capacity Building” under the EU-ACP TradeCom II Programme. Through the joint efforts of the OECS Commission and the UWI - SRC, the MITP Programme was adapted to the peculiarities of the OECS Economic Union and to meet a key objective of the Project, to address the institutional deficiencies hindering the effective formulation of trade policy and negotiating positions in the region, and to advance the implementation of the OECS Economic Union. Scholarships were awarded to two staff members of the OECS Commission and to 19 nationals from the six OECS Protocol Member States (Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines).

In his opening remarks, the Director General of the OECS Commission, Dr. Didacus Jules, noted the value of empowering youth in the Caribbean to identify solutions to addressing the challenges facing the region with respect to international trade, trade negotiations and facilitating the movement of goods and people within the OECS. He also noted the need for accelerating the development of solutions amidst the challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. He concluded his remarks by highlighting the importance of utilizing expertise in the region and collaborations between educational institutions and organizations in the region, such as the collaboration between the OECS Commission and the UWI-SRC in executing this degree programme to address the challenges facing the region and the world.

Other remarks were made by the Principal of the UWI Cave Hill Campus, Dr. Eudine Barriteau; the Director of the UWI-SRC, Mr. Neil Paul; and the Deputy Director, UWI-SRC, Dr. Jan Yves Remy. Mr. Winsbert Louison, Programme Manager, ACP TradeCom II at the OECS Commission provided a brief overview of the implementation of the degree programme and Ms. Shameilla Moses, Programme Assistant, OACP TradeCom II, OECS Commission, provided the vote of thanks.

The participants commended the students for their hard work, the quality of research topics and their relevance for the region. Information was also provided on complimentary work being done in the region and shared research interests. Students also had the opportunity to provide more details on their research topic in the Q&A segment of the webinar

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM