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Posted on: March 31, 2021


The Grant action “Improvement of port customs and operation efficiency in Africa (IPCOEA)”, implemented by Fondazione Accademia Italiana Marina Mercantile (FAIMM), Académie Régionale des Sciences et Techniques de la Mer (ARSTM) and the Port Management Association of West and Central Africa (PWAWCA),  is aimed at efficiency of customs and administrative clearance process of port operations in accordance to EPAs in Ports of the ECOWAS Area through the implementation of Single Window Systems.

The action has been developed by implementing a number of training sessions as one of the core activities of the project. A program of medium-term training and shorter, additional, sessions, were implemented in port communities of West Africa by an e-learning tool (Zoom platform with simultaneous translation in English, Portuguese and French and all course material available for participants).

26 participants from 7 Ports/Customs in ECOWAS area attended the Mid-term training from the 2 November to the 18 December 2020, a 35-days training with 105 hours of lessons given by 11 trainers - 8 from Europe and 3 from Africa. The training was structured in 7 sessions:

Session 1/2020 Nov, 2 – 6 

The works have deepened the role of the international organizations in cargo transport such as WTO TFA, UN and WCO. Furthermore, the trainers gave definition, principles and best practices worldwide on National Single Window, Port Community System and Maritime Single Window.

Session 2/2020 Nov, 9 – 13 

The session focused on bringing together the community around the port, including port authorities, users, shipping lines, Customs and other business or government agencies that have an interest. Moreover, the trainees analyzed UNCEFACT Suite of Recommendations 33-37 (In detail, study and analysis of each Recommendation and its purpose)

Session 3/2020 Nov, 16 – 20

The session implemented the analysis of main port processes under Port Community System (messaging or data models, international data standards, electronic technologies, development of software and logistic single window)

Session 4/2020 Nov, 23 – 27

During this session were discussed emerging trends in Technology supporting Trade Facilitation, National Legal Considerations, IMO & FAL (2018) - IMO security framework /cybersecurity / terrorism/crime – FAL, EU - Africa Trade relations and Data Protection, Compliance with international and national Data Protection laws covering both Private and Commercial information

Session 5/2020 Nov, 30 – Dec 4

Port Community System (Definition), steps to Set up a PCS - IPCSA Guidelines on “How to Set Up a PCS”, Governance Models, Business Models, Core Processes pf a PCS, Additional Processes - Integration of Port operations, safety, security, dangerous goods, communication and Engagement, process development groups (Simplification and harmonisation of processes), integration of PCS with Maritime Single Window

Session 6/2020 Dec 7 – 11 Session 7/2020 Dec 14 - 18

Example of Assignments for Students – preparation of the final exercise -Stakeholder Mapping – Ask Participants to map stakeholder they consider should be involved in NSW/MSW and PCS or just one and then ask them to share a 15-minute presentation with other participants.  This helps to understand how stakeholders both private and public should be involved

In addition to the project website, the training outcomes will be published on the 4th issue of the IPCOEA Newsletter and the Linkedin page which, in addition to the dissemination of project results is also used for networking activities, conveying news and initiatives on topics similar to those developed by IPCOEA

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM