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Posted on: September 23, 2021


The OACPS House in Brussels, Belgium will host, on the 24-25 November 2021, the third ACP-EU TradeCom II (TCII) Programme’s Knowledge Sharing Seminar on Trade and Investment Good Practices.

The seminar is conceived as an attempt to deepen understanding of good practices in the design, management, effectiveness and sustainability of the TCII trade-related technical assistance.

The seminar is structured around five “good practice” clusters covering the following key areas:

  • Trade Policy and regulation
  • The EPA and WTO Processes
  • Custom Matters
  • Quality Infrastructure
  • Trade and Investment
  • The European Investment Plan
  • Private sector competitiveness

For the purpose of enhancing ownership and sustainability of the good practice cases, the representatives of the TCII Programme beneficiaries will make presentations of the respective cases and lead the discussions during the seminar.

ACP-EU TradeCom II Programme’s Knowledge Sharing Seminar on Trade and Investment addresses the officials from the ACP countries and RECs responsible for implementation of EPAs, regional trade and economic integration and export competitiveness, the ACP trade representatives in Brussels, the officials of the ACP Secretariat and the officials of the European Commission.

Programme funded by European Union at the request of the Organisation of African Caribbean and Pacific States - Implemented by AESA CONSORTIUM